To help Celiac's by sharing my Gluten-Free experiences, research & recipes

Learning & Understanding the Gluten Free World

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Gluten the Hidden Grain

It's very easy for someone to say "you have celiac can't eat gluten anymore!"

But, it is very hard to go G-free. I am still struggling with the change because gluten is everywhere. It is hidden in places you would never think gluten would be, just like sand after a nice long day at the beach by the end of the day you have gritty sand in places you wouldn't think sand should be. Your day was enjoyable just like the amazing meal you just ate but wait 20 minutes and you feel the effects, although gluten's affects are longer lasting. I have changed the way I buy and cook food when grocery shopping in that I buy pure and natural vegetables, fruits and meats, even organic sometimes but it is hard to overcome this feeling of dread for the next meal.

My children are not G-free which makes it hard when cooking and baking. I don't have that down yet which I should since it has been several years. This is so difficult for me because I am an organized person and it stresses me out that I can't make it work. I have tried a schedule, post it notes, dry erase boards, binders with dividers, and a few other forms of organization, even unorganized meals and only on occasion it works. I breathe a sigh of relief thinking maybe this will work but next time usually the next day to my utter horror it fails yet again.

I can't force myself to get past the fact that I can't go into my local grocery store and buy almonds in case they went down a conveyer belt, which had a form of gluten on it. I am forced to go out of my way to buy foods that are much more expensive because I can't eat the normal North American foods. Where is the break in eating costs for people who have to live like this to be healthy but are in no way able to afford it? In other posts I talk about how to save money in different areas around the home so that the money can shift to the G-Free foods but there is only so much one can do.

I use the variety of popular gluten free cook books that are on the market today but find it overwhelming and time consuming to purchase and even harder yet, find most of the ingredients needed to make the foods, just so I can save some money. The amount of time it takes to prepare the foods can be ridiculous, who has that kind of time? I don't, although I would like to able to take the time and cook just one of those gourmet meals. It's just not the way I want to spend my time. I am a hearty meal, meat and potatoes girl, cooking in one pot is even better. Less to clean which gives me more time for my family and myself!

Life is to short to waste on stress and making as much money as you can, I'd rather have no stress, just enough money to get by but live my life to the fullest by having fun and doing what I love!

Find the hidden gluten in foods you may be eating but can't figure where the culprit is...

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Western Gal