To help Celiac's by sharing my Gluten-Free experiences, research & recipes

Learning & Understanding the Gluten Free World

Monday, January 18, 2010

Eat Natural Foods ~ Save Money

Lets face it we all know the best and healthiest way to eat is a variety of natural fruits, vegetables and meat. Buy locally if possible; buy the foods that are in season

We don't need desserts, sweets, or carbohydrates. These are just fillers and make us gain weight. Of course we have cravings but if you were to take a drink of water when you feel like you are hungry if it's after you have eaten of course it will surprise you how it will fill you up and that fact is you were dehydrated that's why you felt hungry.

There is no reason not to eat that piece of chocolate cake but limit yourself and you will feel satisfied.

Eating natural foods is the best thing for G-Free individuals because there will be no reactions to an ingredient that is hidden in the food and the healthiest by far.

You can always find natural foods on sale in the Saturday flyers. Shopping locally is great too but can be expensive. I look around and find the items that are not more expensive and buy the items that are somewhere else. It takes time and energy but it can be done. If you obsess about something like food why not change the obsession to finding the best deal and saving money.

It is harder to do this in the winter but if you plan ahead you can buy the foods that are in season in the summer and preserve them for the winter months.

Quick Fact: Pesticides Top offenders include: peaches, apples, bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, pears, grapes (imported), spinach, lettuce, and potatoes.

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Western Gal